So busy! In the last post, I was enjoying a bit of pre-hectic-harvest-time bliss, but that was short lived. Now it’s all business. Well, nearly. It’s important to appreciate what you’ve got because it’s all over so quickly and everything in life moves to either a memory or photograph. My artistic outlet at the moment, is to take photographs of my surroundings and the custard apples. There is some wonderful and precious time for date night, lighting fires and walking through the orchard at sunset. These are a few of my favourite things!

A few days ago, we watched Venus set. That was pretty special. Just as it reached the horizon, it did a little dance and popped up and down a couple of times before finally dropping down, out of view.

I think it’s always good to celebrate life, by appreciating what you have around you. There is so much beauty everywhere. Sometimes you collect it, harvest it or make it yourself, but sometimes it’s in your surroundings. Already there, just waiting for you to notice.