During the custard apple harvest season, not a lot of painting gets done. This could be a frustrating situation but it also brings opportunities to be creative with what I do have, which is custard apples! I recently made a Custard Apple Nicecream each day for ten days and uploaded each one to Instagram. And because custard apples are bff’s with all the other fruits, there are so many possibilities.
We’re still in the thick of the pandemic, and in lockdown, so a ten day challenge seemed like a good idea. You know – you have to try to make the most of everything you have, don’t you!

It’s great to think that dessert can be so good for you!

I really, really love plums, with a capital L,O,V & E, so it was a happy day when I saw some for sale. I had to buy some to put in this Custard Apple Nicecream.

Oh, this one! Mmmm …. my favourite! The choc chips and slices of candied ginger gave this one texture and bursts of rich flavours.

A unicorn made from a dragonfruit, or pitaya was the inspiration here, and I think it’s an idea to revisit for later. It was a fun and light-hearted approach because I made it on one of those days when lockdown was hard going.

This one was made from custard apple, coconut milk, coconut cream and spirulina to make it blue. It was a day where I longing to go to the beach, but you know – lockdown, so I brought the beach to me!

I wanted to see what it would be like to use avocado with custard apple. On their own, they seemed a bit quiet, but with the addition of their citrus friend, they really came to life. It was like sunshiney happiness in a bowl.

It was such an intensely sunny day that I wanted to make the most of it, with lots of colour and flavour, but I possibly went a bit overboard.

This was a tasty one!

This was one of my favourites. Strawberries and custard apples go so well together.

When I picked the oranges off the tree, I found a four leafed clover. And that, my lovely readers, makes this one the lucky last in this post!